esta cool??????????

domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010

What matter is made of

Element:a basic building block of matter; a pure substance that cannot be broken down into anything simple

Compound: a chemical combination of two or more elements into a single substance

Atom: the smallest unit of an element that still has the properties of the element

Proton: a particle with a positive charge in the nucleos of an atom

Neutron: an uncharged particle in the nucleus of an atom

Electron: a particle with a negative charge moving around the nucleus of an atom.

Nucleus: the dense center part of an atom

Molecule: a group of more than one atom joined toghether that acts like a single particle

sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010

What is mass

Mass: the amount of matter in a object
A car is an exmple of mass

Volume: the amount of space an objects takes up
A cilinder is an a example of  volume

Weight: (on earth) a measure of the force of gravity between earth an a object
A balance is an object to measure the weight

Density: a measure of how tightly packed matter is the amount of mass contained in a given volume

buayancy: the upward push on an object by the liquid (or gas) the object is placed in
A table of surf is an a example of buoyancy

Conduct: allow heat or electricity to flow through readily
water is an example of conductor

Insulate: not allow electricity or heat to flow through readily
The carpet is an example of insulate

miércoles, 11 de agosto de 2010

Niños con perdida adutiva y el Implante coclear

Hola a todos los padres que lean esto les quiero hablar sobre el implante coclear y la perdida auditiva .
La perdida auditiva no significa que el niño o adulto no tengan tímpano,  lo que yo he aprendido es que una parte de nuestro oído llamada la Cóclea pierde unos pelitos que tiene adentro y todos esos pelitos son importantes. Cuando la Cóclea pierde esos pelitos no permite al oido escuchar muy bien si no bajo.

 El implante Coclear es un aparato electrónico compuesto por dos partes un interna y una externa que ayuda la audición (no recuperas esos pelitos)  si ven lo circular que esta en la foto eso es un imán que se conecta a tu cóclea pero primero te tiene que implantar algo llamado electrodos en la cóclea para que ese imán funcione y empieces a escuchar un poco mejor, el procesador es lo que recibe el sonido del ambiente según lo que he aprendido en la Clínica Jhon Tracy alli fue donde me explicaron todo lo que sé sobre implantes coclear. GRACIAS POR SU ATENCIÓN.                  

domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010

Vocabulary 2 - Light and Lenses Topic 5

Opaque: completely blocking r light from passing trhough
The shadow is an opaque figure

Transaparent:letting all light through ,so that objects on the other side can be seen clearly
Glasse is an a example of  transparent

 translucent: letting only some light through , sothat objects on the other side appeare blurry
some paper is an example of translucent

Polarization :allowing light vibrations to pass trough in only one direction
Polarization work in electronic waves

Refraction: the bending of light rise as the pass from one substance into another.
an glass with water is an example of refraction

Convex lens: a lens that curves outward (is thicker at the middle than at the edge ) and brings light rays together

Concave lens: a lens that curves inward( is thicker at the edges than at th middle) and spreads light rays appart 

Vocabulary 1 Light and Mirrors - Topic 4

1. Bioluminescense: Light produced by  living organisms.
Some types of squid are biuluminiscense

2. Light ray : a straight-line beam of light as it travels outwards from its source .
The sun rays it an example of light rays

3. Law of Reflection: the angle of an incoming light ray equals the angle of the reflected.
 We can use a flash light and flat mirror to made law of reflection.

4. Concave mirror: a mirror that curves in on the shiny side.
 the driving mirrors is an example of concave mirrors.

5. Convex mirrors: a mirror that curves out on the shiny side.
Some person put convex mirrors in her(he)office to see ho enter in the office